Damage assessment research on frame structure based on Bayesian statistical inference 基于贝叶斯统计推断的框架结构损伤诊断研究
The frame design of the system, design and study of the neural network are presented concretely. The inference procedure of neural network fault diagnostics is listed as example. 具体介绍了系统构成的框架设计、神经网络的设计研究,并举例说明了神经网络故障诊断的推理过程。
The decomposition of the possession frame and its related ones indicates the necessity of the frame expansion and accounts for presupposition, inference, and some other cognitive processes within the expanded frame. 通过对领属框架和相应框架关系的分解,本文论证了框架扩充的必要性及其与前提、推理等认知操作的连接关系。
Frame of Both-Branch Fuzzy Inference 双枝模糊推理框架
In particular, the knowledge representation by integration of generative rules and frame, the inference model for integrating the deep and surface level models, the system and architecture of integration of the expert system and database management system. 特别是对产生式规则与框架相结合的知识表达方法,表层模型和深层模型相结合的推理方式以及专家系统与知识库管理系统相结合的体系结构等进行了探讨。
The representation of client requirement knowledge based on frame-rule and its inference process are presented, the product knowledge index and retrieve are analyzed. 提出了客户需求知识的框架-规则表示方法及推理过程,对产品知识索引与检索方式进行分析。
In this article, the Frame Problem ( FP) arising from inference rules contained in state description is described when robot's plan-generating system is designed. And the method is presented that this fram problem is solved by applying backward rule-based deduction system. 本文叙述了在设计机器人规划生成系统时因状态描述中含有推理规则而引起的画面问题EP(FrameProblem),提出了一个应用基于规则的逆向演绎系统解决此画面问题的方法。
The object oriented programming ( OOP) technique and the microsoft foundation class ( MFC) are applied to set up a frame decision tree ( FDT) which incorporates the expert system ′ s knowledge base, inference engine and user interface. 运用面向对象程序设计技术(OOP)和微软基础类库(MFC),作者建立起一种框架决策树,将知识库、推理机和人机界面加以重构并形成一体。
This paper deals with texts realized by single sentences, the comprehension of which relies on lexical contextualization cues for the psychological schemata they trigger as the frame for inference. 本文集中讨论单句书面语篇如何依靠词汇语境线索激活心理图式,经过推理,理解语篇。
Under its reference frame, what is meant to be communicated is the communicator's informative intention and communication process is the communicator provides ostensive stimuli of his intention while the audience seeks the optimally relevant inference. 该理论认为交际的内容是说话方的信息意图,而交际过程是说话方提供关于其意图的明示刺激,听话方推理寻求最佳关联理解的过程。
The intention inference frame based on decision tree and the inference control mechanism based on data-drive are proposed according to this representation and the distributed characteristic of input information. 基于意图推理输入信息的分布性特征以及意图的层次分解建立了基于判定树的意图层次推理框架以及数据驱动的推理控制机制。
Finally a basic theoretical frame is got through qualitative research methods of comparison and induction, analysis and deduction and inference and so on. 最后通过比较归纳、分析演绎和逻辑推理等定性研究方法得出一个基本理论框架。
The method to express machining knowledges based on rules and frame has the drawbacks of low expression efficiency and low inference efficiency. 基于规则和基于框架的知识表达方法,在知识量大的情况下,存在表达效率低和推理效率低的缺陷。
In detail, three knowledge representations, i.e. production rule, frame and Bayesian networks are adopted to express different kinds of knowledge in the Expert System, and forward deduction and Bayesian networks 'uncertain reason are combined to accomplish the Expert System inference process. 该系统采用了产生式规则、框架及贝叶斯网络三种知识表示方法分别描述评估决策过程中所含的不同知识,同时结合产生式规则的正向推理和贝叶斯网络的不确定推理完成整体的决策推理。
The paper then introduces the key technics of semantic information retrieval, such as the concept of ontology technic, ontology languages of RDF/ RDFS and OWL, Jena frame for semantic web application, semantic inference and so on. 然后论文介绍了实现语义检索所涉及的关键技术,包括本体的概念、本体构建语言RDF/RDFS、OWL、Jena语义网应用构建框架、语义推理等。